Current Events Archive 2005
30.12.05 As my last post for the year, I'm not going to tell you about what I've been up to the last few days. I'll save that for next year, there's bound to be more to write about at that point in time. Instead, I'm going to go into a side that's a little deeper. Maybe I need a section for my random thoughts, but until then, I leave you with these:
It's been another amazing year when I look back on it. I can remember going out to dinner with Pam and company last year. My credit card may still be feeling the effects of that one. And afterwards, I returned to Traviss' - TREVORRRR party. Good times. I don't know if I'll ever play iron man beer pong at 3am ever again. But the years had its ups an downs, with my grandmother passing away, senior design, work and my car getting totaled in the winter. Despite all the hardship I managed to make my last two quarters a couple of my best. Going down to interview at Honda was fun, it was nice to see everyone. Of course I'll never forget the Sunday dinners at our appartment, or the good conversation that went with it. The summer was filled with hard work, but I hope it pays off. My thoughts will be with my wet vision boys as I hope to receive word of a successful validation. I think I wrote down 2 and 8, don't let me down. It was hard to leave, not only because I was on the verge of being addicted to golf, but because of it all. And it was a great summer. Weekends were spent going home and spending time with the bro, the O-town crew and doing work around the house. I spent some time with Liz, Pam and Aaron before we all split up. Going back to the start of second year, I never thought we'd end up here. And I managed to pull it off, to make it back to Germany. I've met another excellent group of people.
The end of this year makes me look back on the past 5 and even back to the past 10. 10 years ago I had just interviewed for scout camp. My first semi-girlfriend had found someone else and I was a pale scrawny white guy, even back then. That wouldn't stop me from being most improved that year in baseball.
In the time since then I've had a lot of achievements. I've been a lot of places, done a lot of things, taken a lot of chances. I have a lot of good memories. For some reason or another, I've been able to earn the respect and admiration of a majority of the people I've come to know. I can't tell you what my secret is, I don't know how I've managed to get from there to here the way I have. What I will say, is thank you to all the people who have made that possible. It is a great honor to have earned their respect and I hope I can continue to make everyone proud to know me. I hope I have given and can give as much as I have received.
It's an interesting place to find myself in, coming to that realization, hearing and remembering the compliments people have given me. I wonder if at the rip old age of pushing 25, I haven't become the person I wanted to be. It's a little intimidating, it becomes something to live up to, something to hold on to. It makes me wonder what next, how now Frankie-boy, or any other nickname that I've acquired over the years.
But I like a little intimidation. And maybe people will say, Capristo, it seems Mr. Capristo didn't really come out of his shell until... Well I don't know. There are some that would argue that I still don't come out of my shell. And I'll admitt, I'm not much of a boat rocker. I try to blend/fit in and strengthen what's there. I like to build up not rebuild. I like to listen and learn things from other people, as I know how much experience can teach you, and how different we all live. Everyone's got a story and I'm as much a listner as a teller. The people who know me the best will say that I've always been ready to go tromping through the woods, regardless of the weather, but willing to go out with the boys in search of fun, entertainment, 2-legged scenery or all of the above. Ladies will say that when it comes relationships, I've got the right ideas and outlooks on things, that when it comes time for romancing, I know what I'm doing.
If all that's being in my shell still, then I guess I am. But the shell is only the cover of a book, the real meat is inside. Pick a page. But the foreward and closing will always remain the same. Here's to the fallen, the people who have touched my life and are no longer with us, except for in the stars above. Here's to the rest of you, we're all still in it. I hope I can bring love, honor, pride and good times to you all.
Bring on 006, it's time to do it some more.
27.12.05 Well I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I got to play Scrooge this year and celebrated alone. I was alone, but not in spirit. Nothing says Christmas like Die Hard, so I watched that. Things are going. I don't have to go back to work till the 9th, so hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff done between now and then. For those of you wondering, no I haven't grown out the beard yet. I'm not sure if I'm going to this winter or not. Things have been fairly quiet around here. Everyone in my office got together last week to drink hot wine at the Christmas Market and then we went to the mexican place. I'll tell you, you may not know German, but if you go into a mexican resturant, you can read the menu. Quesadillas con Pollo, sounded good to me. Mrs. Craig would be so proud. By late Thursday, the place was like a ghost town, Friday was even worse. It was good that one of the guys from the lab invited me to the chinese lunch thing they were doing, it gave me an excuse to leave early. So that's about everything.
15.12.05 And this time it's been a little longer. Same deal, internet. Not too much else has changed, last week was busy. More CAD work. I'd never really worked with IGES files before, I'm not sure if I'm liking it so much now, at least with surfaces. Oh well, it's the way it is, you trim your sails and face the music. Erkan said I was doin a pretty good job, but I feel like I should be able to do it better. I'm better than I was when I was working on stuff for Formula, so I guess I shouldn't complain, but I want to be better, I want to kick some ass. Friday was quiet, I fell asleep to Return of the King. Saturday night was fun. Went out to a Chinese Resturaunt with Manuel and crew. I learned some new German, words that I never needed to use before but could be helpful when my brother comes to visit. I'll leave it at that. I was challenged to arm wrestle, apparently everybody and their brother knows Over the Top. Well, I think for the first time ever (the last time I was still in grade school) I did alright. I didn't try to win, I just held my own till Bibo got tired. He was impressed, we went up to the bar and he bought a couple shots. Nasty stuff, 54% Chinese stuff, blahhhh. We tried to go to this party but ended up going to Lobby and came home somewhere around 2-2:30, picking up a Dönner on the way. It was no dusk till dawn adventure, but there will be time for that. This week's been busy. Been doin some more good stuff. It's nice when someone tells you you did a good job and that what you did was helpful. I suppose that's what drives me, I like to know that I'm doing someone, typo, try something useful. The other thing I'm working on has been a little difficult for me and I guess it's got to do with my frame of mind. If I can, if there's a process already established, I like to take a look at it so I can maintain continuity or improve off it. That's important, standardization is important. If there isn't one, then it's like give me the requirements and leave me in a cage for a while. I'll come back when I've worked it out, but the thing that drives me also holds me back. I seek to impress too much, I need more of the Risky Business attitude. Sometimes you just gotta say wtf, and let it ride. But today I came clear on things, found what I wanted and so this week and next it will be time for me to rock out with my perverbial cock out. We'll see, it's something to shoot for. They started working on our building today. It looks like no matter what, I'll still have acess to the balcony. This is important, I have plans to grill and drink beer out there all this coming summer. It'll be another weekend in the big Wü this weekend, and I'm curious to see what will come of it.
6.12.05 Its been a little while, and Im sorry about that. The internet has been acting up the last week or so. But Im back. Last week was alright. It was quiet without Colin. Tuesday and Wednesday was fighting off a migraine. I was happy it cleared up for the weekend, cause I wanted to go to Augsburg. it was another great weekend inAugsburg . I still haven’t gotten a chance to see everyone, but slowly and surely. Basti and Dina were kind enough to let me stay with them. Even though he was sick, we still had some good bonding time. I guess he put my college life in perspective when he said “You have more pictures of cars than women, what’s wrong with you.” But to that I have an answer, when you’re shooting you have to remove yourself from the moment. You have to be the observer and not the participant. With cars that’s easy, they’re going around the track, it looks just about the same if you’re watching or looking through a lens. When I’m out with people, it’s always a duel. Do I break out the camera, or do I say screw it and just play the moment. Sometimes afterwards, you think damn, I wish I had a picture of that. I wish I had some pictures of us playing golf that last week I was at Bausch, but I hope my memory is good enough that I will always remember the feel of the September morning air, the bright blue sky and the dew. I hope I can remember all of Blasiak’s hats and some of the hits we had.
But as I digress, Friday night was fun. Koren is in town visiting while taking some of her German students on a visit. I think there is a bond between exchange students, the ones that actually used their year and Koren’s part of the club. We had a couple cups of Glühwein – hot mulberry wine with Christopher at the Christmas market before meeting back up with Hanna at Pow Wow. Incidentally Melanie was there too and we got to say hi. The next morning I spent chatting with Dina and her friend. It was a good time, the conversation was very entertaining. Hanna and Koren picked me up in the afternoon and we went into the city to do a little shopping. At some point I really need to start Christmas shopping, but it’s not quite a last minute deal yet, so there’s no fun in it either. Dinner was cool, Dina made cheese fondue. The Italian in me likes the swiss mentality, and dish where you can mix cheese, bread and tomatoes has got to be good. We were watching Missippi Delta and I almost made it to the end before going to meet up with Melanie. We went out to Essbar and chatted for a while. It was a good Saturday night.
Sunday was a birthday celebration in the Priller family and it was great to see people I hadn’t seen in 6 years. I left a little early to go visit Frau Seger, one of my old English teachers from Holbein. That rounded out the rest of a weekend that like the rest, goes by way too quickly.
Going to try working on a couple new sections. Some people have been loading the page like mad by the looks of things. It looks like Im going to be here alone for Christmas as well. The family couldnt make it out yet, but there will be time for that. And thats about it.
26.11.05 So the other day was Thanksgiving, and I'm glad we didn't celebrate it here until yesterday. I'm not sure if Thanksgiving will ever be the same for me again, especially after a couple weeks ago. Growing up, we'd always have Thanksgiving dinner early-mid afternoon and when the time was right, we'd go across the street to our neighbors for dessert. They always had a huge gathering of family, all the kids and grandkids. There were always pies of any sort to choose from. There was always cheesecake. Now that they've both passed away, I don't know, but I know that I am thankful for the times, for all the memories, that I am so lucky to have had such a rich life. Things change with time, even in a small town, a barn goes down and suddenly coming home feels just a little different. But I'm not the pimple faced teen or dorky toothless twirp I was either. Now I'm just dorky, but that's it, you gotta enjoy the moments while you've got them, while you're in them.
And it's never too late to start a new tradition, to take the pieces and build something new. We, Colin and I, decided to do it on the night of his party, to make it more convienent for our out of town guest. So I made the pumpkin pie Thursday night. Now mind you, in all my college years of cooking, I never once used the oven. I was a little, (shit, what's gespannt in english) - curious, to see if I was going to be able to pull it off. I got out of work a little later than planned, kinda used up my security window, but that's ok, I work better under pressure. Fired the oven up to the temperature I got off the internet, started peeling potatoes, got the meat in about an hour before we were going to eat (it was a very large breast, not a whole bird). The potatoes were ready for mashing at t-minus 15. The Stovetop Stuffing was the easiest. It all came out on time, and was pretty good. And I made enough that I've got leftovers to carry me through the weekend and then some.
So we got cleaned up and then it was time for the party. It was nice to see Colin have a party like we had. Perhaps the best party thrown by an american in germany. I'm going to miss Colin, he's one of the bros. And I suppose that's the only bad thing about having been so many places, seen so many things, made so many friends, it's hard to keep up with people. You have to fight to figure out when you'll go see people cause they're a 3, 6, 9 hour car or plane ride away.
In other parts of the world, my father has discovered the site. Oh Boy! I hope the batteries in his pacemaker are up to date. There are things said that I thought I would never tell him about, but hey. And I know what he's reading (I better, I wrote it), the parts about my under age drinking and "reckless driving." I hope he's not too disappointed, I hope I still meet his standard. I lived in the time I grew up with, in the culture I was presented with. And even in those day, I didn't drink to get hammered, but to be merry and social. As for the speeding, well, I've always loved pulling G's. Doing 120 wasn't really that entertaining, it was more to see what the old gal could do. And I'd like to think that if the old man could have grown up with Tony and I, that he would have done the same things with us, and that we woulda had one hell of a time.
22.11.05 Stauner Ecke - OK so I didn't know it, but staunen is like when you're amazed, as in by a Capristo in a romantic/orgasmic/sexual experience. So I pronounced something wrong and came up with that, everyone got a good laugh. At least I'll understand it when I can say hey, she was enjoying herself till she couldn't control herself. I think it goes back to what Orrin said in high school, something about being so good that his girlfriend lost control. I'd like to believe that a Capristo experience is exactly as good, if not better, but I only know the reaction I've gotten when I asked "So was that alright for you?" I guess I better watch my pronounciation, but what fun would that be. It was a good night out with Giles, Jessica and Erkan. Erkan's the man. I might be working the night shift after this, but what the hell, depending on who's working, I might be able to take someone home with me. Bahhh, not really, but I can joke about it.
Tomorrow is another day, and it's sure to be as interesting as the rest. It's tough having to look at a formula for a minute, till you can check all the variables through in your head, and look at the form to figure out if they want your last name first or not, cause people are going to think what the fuck's wrong with this kid. And while I might make an ass out of myself, at least I dared to come this far, to take the path less chosen, to make my own path so that others may follow. And I don't care if you care or not, cause the nights like this are worth more than the daily grind, more than being mediocre, ten thousand times over. And I'm not knocking it, if you've taken the road that's easiest to travel, if you've picked what's appealed to you the most, but this is indeed one of the greatest things that makes it worth while. It's one of those nights when I'll look back and say it's because I gave it all up, for this one moment, that I have it all. I'll try to talk slower, like a southern redneck, so that others may understand me, but you people are just too damn geil. And that's just the way it is. I've got 7 hrs to recover and make it to work to deliver proof that I can. It shall be interesting indeed.
21.11.05 - Well for those of you who know how I love a good set of wheels almost as much as I love a good set of legs, I wish to inform you that the purple machine aka my 98 Stratus and Pepe, my sisters neon have been sold off so that the old man could afford a bright blue PT Cruiser. Not that I ever really got attached to the Stratus, certainly not the way I did to the Lancer or Breeze, but we had some fun hanging it on the limit and a couple times beyond on RIT's front circle. And Pepe, well, we screamed over the valley and through the hills coming back from Akron. That was my last good drive. And I have to say something about the ladies here, they're after my own heart. I was with one last weekend, or weekend before last, the girl could shift smoother than silk on a babys ass, a girl after my own heart.
19.11.05 - So it was a good week at work. Spent some time trying to get some samples made up. We ran a test on Thursday, it reminded me of my B&L days. Friday I was working with people in purchasing/quality. It was a good day, we ordered pizza for lunch. It's got to be the best pizza outside of Puruccis back home. I could have done with a little less salt. Not a big fan of salty things, but it was good. This week and weekend for that matter has been low key. After 2 great weekends in a row, I needed a break. Spent most of the nights chatting, catching up with people, getting advice, remembering the old times. I also spent some time adding some updates.
15.11.05 - Well, I'm officially releasing my webpage. I'd like to thank Much for putting me up to this. I've got a lot of ideas, a lot of things I'd like to do to it. This my affect my race car timeline, I want you to know that.
So what have I been up to? Well last week I was working in manufacturing, so I could get to know our products and processes better. I had to laugh at myself, half the time I was analyzing cycle time and the other half I was thinking about yield, utilization and where I stick a vision system. I was on the early shift, which meant getting up at 5, but I was at work by 6 and out the door not too long after 2. Not too shabby. This last weekend I was in Augsburg again. It was a great time again. Martin and I made it a guys night, stayed in and talked about the kind of things guys talk about; wine, women and song. The next day I went with Rainer and him to this celebration that was going on at their church. It was a good time, a lot of sitting, but after my week of standing that wasn't bad either. That night we met up with Melanie and went to the movies. We saw L'auberge Espagnole 2. The film rocked, it's one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. A love story that tells it like it is. The lead character wasn't quite as pimp as my brother, but maybe Joeseph, back in his Don Chi Chi days. I couldn't sleep that night, I was up till prob around 5 even though we got in around 1. Maybe the 4 cups of coffee around 8 had something to do with that, maybe not. The next day we went over to his mom's and I got to see her and Miriam. After that, I took the tram down to Inninger Str. and Könningsbrunn just like in the old days. This time I was going to see Nietsches. It was the same story as before, nothing but good times and great conversation. It had been too long and I was f-ing exstatic to get caught up. Christopher came by after he was done with soccer and after dinner I rode with him back into the city before catching the 8:30 train.
5.11.05 - This week was short. We had holiday Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I was working for quality. Processed some data and more importantly got set up to go to Wolfsburg to visit VW(that's Volkwagon in case you dont know). We went up there to check out some stuff. Things were good on our end. Peter is cool, we had a good time. I think we hit 230 kmh (~145 mph) at one point in the diesel Mercedes we had. Yeah, we got some dirty looks for having a Mercedes, what could we do, it was a rental? We got back on Friday, I packed up and got ready to go to Augsburg. Saturday I caught one of the morning trains and headed down. I had lunch at with Prillers and we looked at some pics till Sebastian had to go back into the brewery. I met up with Melanie and we went into one of the local joints on the Max (Maximillian) Str. Some things never change, some things get better. We caught up for a few hours and then it was time for Honky Tonk. Let me correct myself, Riegele Honky Tonk, sponsored/powered by the brewery. After meeting up with Sebastian, I went in and a little while later Basti (the younger Sebastian) showed up. It was great, I don't think we partied like that since the night in Mo'town years ago. Hanna was with us as well. I don't remember how much I drank, or what time I went to bed, I just remember waking up at 7:30 the next morning and thinking that couldn't be right. Something has to be wrong, I shouldn't be awake. So I rolled over for another 2 hours. Basti and his wife came over for lunch along with grandma. It was a great time. I'm so happy for Basti. He's working at the brewery and will take over when Sebastian retires, he's got a nice wife and a kid on the way. After lunch, Hanna and I came back to Würzburg and I got ready for another week. Time is already flying by, so here we go.
The First Month - Well, let's see. I'm living in a 6 bedroom appartment. It's alright cause there are only 5 of us at the moment. It works out cause Colin and I are the only ones who get up in the morning. Colin is my roommate who will be leaving at the end of November to go back to the states. He's 2 meters 8 cm, whatever that is in feet-inches. So we are usually noticed when we're walking around. Würzburg, or the big Wü is a nice city. The Main River flows through it, it's big enough that it has enough social opportunities, there's a university here and it's easy to get around. Work is good. Everyone at work rocks. The guy I'm working for is real chill, smart and hilarious. After spending a year in the states, he picked up some slang and some of it hasn't gone away. It seems like there is always something to do. Bars can be busy any night of the week. In the middle of October, we went to a Federweisse "Spring Wine" fest. I wish I could explain it, but I can't. Just a bunch of people in a giant hall, live music and lots of fluids. We were grilling beforehand. It was a good night. There was also shuttle party here. Shuttle party is where you pay a couple bucks, get to go around on public transportation and bar hop. It was cool. I was visiting Hanna (host sister from my exchange) beforehand. And that's the news.
It's been another amazing year when I look back on it. I can remember going out to dinner with Pam and company last year. My credit card may still be feeling the effects of that one. And afterwards, I returned to Traviss' - TREVORRRR party. Good times. I don't know if I'll ever play iron man beer pong at 3am ever again. But the years had its ups an downs, with my grandmother passing away, senior design, work and my car getting totaled in the winter. Despite all the hardship I managed to make my last two quarters a couple of my best. Going down to interview at Honda was fun, it was nice to see everyone. Of course I'll never forget the Sunday dinners at our appartment, or the good conversation that went with it. The summer was filled with hard work, but I hope it pays off. My thoughts will be with my wet vision boys as I hope to receive word of a successful validation. I think I wrote down 2 and 8, don't let me down. It was hard to leave, not only because I was on the verge of being addicted to golf, but because of it all. And it was a great summer. Weekends were spent going home and spending time with the bro, the O-town crew and doing work around the house. I spent some time with Liz, Pam and Aaron before we all split up. Going back to the start of second year, I never thought we'd end up here. And I managed to pull it off, to make it back to Germany. I've met another excellent group of people.
The end of this year makes me look back on the past 5 and even back to the past 10. 10 years ago I had just interviewed for scout camp. My first semi-girlfriend had found someone else and I was a pale scrawny white guy, even back then. That wouldn't stop me from being most improved that year in baseball.
In the time since then I've had a lot of achievements. I've been a lot of places, done a lot of things, taken a lot of chances. I have a lot of good memories. For some reason or another, I've been able to earn the respect and admiration of a majority of the people I've come to know. I can't tell you what my secret is, I don't know how I've managed to get from there to here the way I have. What I will say, is thank you to all the people who have made that possible. It is a great honor to have earned their respect and I hope I can continue to make everyone proud to know me. I hope I have given and can give as much as I have received.
It's an interesting place to find myself in, coming to that realization, hearing and remembering the compliments people have given me. I wonder if at the rip old age of pushing 25, I haven't become the person I wanted to be. It's a little intimidating, it becomes something to live up to, something to hold on to. It makes me wonder what next, how now Frankie-boy, or any other nickname that I've acquired over the years.
But I like a little intimidation. And maybe people will say, Capristo, it seems Mr. Capristo didn't really come out of his shell until... Well I don't know. There are some that would argue that I still don't come out of my shell. And I'll admitt, I'm not much of a boat rocker. I try to blend/fit in and strengthen what's there. I like to build up not rebuild. I like to listen and learn things from other people, as I know how much experience can teach you, and how different we all live. Everyone's got a story and I'm as much a listner as a teller. The people who know me the best will say that I've always been ready to go tromping through the woods, regardless of the weather, but willing to go out with the boys in search of fun, entertainment, 2-legged scenery or all of the above. Ladies will say that when it comes relationships, I've got the right ideas and outlooks on things, that when it comes time for romancing, I know what I'm doing.
If all that's being in my shell still, then I guess I am. But the shell is only the cover of a book, the real meat is inside. Pick a page. But the foreward and closing will always remain the same. Here's to the fallen, the people who have touched my life and are no longer with us, except for in the stars above. Here's to the rest of you, we're all still in it. I hope I can bring love, honor, pride and good times to you all.
Bring on 006, it's time to do it some more.
27.12.05 Well I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I got to play Scrooge this year and celebrated alone. I was alone, but not in spirit. Nothing says Christmas like Die Hard, so I watched that. Things are going. I don't have to go back to work till the 9th, so hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff done between now and then. For those of you wondering, no I haven't grown out the beard yet. I'm not sure if I'm going to this winter or not. Things have been fairly quiet around here. Everyone in my office got together last week to drink hot wine at the Christmas Market and then we went to the mexican place. I'll tell you, you may not know German, but if you go into a mexican resturant, you can read the menu. Quesadillas con Pollo, sounded good to me. Mrs. Craig would be so proud. By late Thursday, the place was like a ghost town, Friday was even worse. It was good that one of the guys from the lab invited me to the chinese lunch thing they were doing, it gave me an excuse to leave early. So that's about everything.
15.12.05 And this time it's been a little longer. Same deal, internet. Not too much else has changed, last week was busy. More CAD work. I'd never really worked with IGES files before, I'm not sure if I'm liking it so much now, at least with surfaces. Oh well, it's the way it is, you trim your sails and face the music. Erkan said I was doin a pretty good job, but I feel like I should be able to do it better. I'm better than I was when I was working on stuff for Formula, so I guess I shouldn't complain, but I want to be better, I want to kick some ass. Friday was quiet, I fell asleep to Return of the King. Saturday night was fun. Went out to a Chinese Resturaunt with Manuel and crew. I learned some new German, words that I never needed to use before but could be helpful when my brother comes to visit. I'll leave it at that. I was challenged to arm wrestle, apparently everybody and their brother knows Over the Top. Well, I think for the first time ever (the last time I was still in grade school) I did alright. I didn't try to win, I just held my own till Bibo got tired. He was impressed, we went up to the bar and he bought a couple shots. Nasty stuff, 54% Chinese stuff, blahhhh. We tried to go to this party but ended up going to Lobby and came home somewhere around 2-2:30, picking up a Dönner on the way. It was no dusk till dawn adventure, but there will be time for that. This week's been busy. Been doin some more good stuff. It's nice when someone tells you you did a good job and that what you did was helpful. I suppose that's what drives me, I like to know that I'm doing someone, typo, try something useful. The other thing I'm working on has been a little difficult for me and I guess it's got to do with my frame of mind. If I can, if there's a process already established, I like to take a look at it so I can maintain continuity or improve off it. That's important, standardization is important. If there isn't one, then it's like give me the requirements and leave me in a cage for a while. I'll come back when I've worked it out, but the thing that drives me also holds me back. I seek to impress too much, I need more of the Risky Business attitude. Sometimes you just gotta say wtf, and let it ride. But today I came clear on things, found what I wanted and so this week and next it will be time for me to rock out with my perverbial cock out. We'll see, it's something to shoot for. They started working on our building today. It looks like no matter what, I'll still have acess to the balcony. This is important, I have plans to grill and drink beer out there all this coming summer. It'll be another weekend in the big Wü this weekend, and I'm curious to see what will come of it.
6.12.05 Its been a little while, and Im sorry about that. The internet has been acting up the last week or so. But Im back. Last week was alright. It was quiet without Colin. Tuesday and Wednesday was fighting off a migraine. I was happy it cleared up for the weekend, cause I wanted to go to Augsburg. it was another great weekend in
Going to try working on a couple new sections. Some people have been loading the page like mad by the looks of things. It looks like Im going to be here alone for Christmas as well. The family couldnt make it out yet, but there will be time for that. And thats about it.
26.11.05 So the other day was Thanksgiving, and I'm glad we didn't celebrate it here until yesterday. I'm not sure if Thanksgiving will ever be the same for me again, especially after a couple weeks ago. Growing up, we'd always have Thanksgiving dinner early-mid afternoon and when the time was right, we'd go across the street to our neighbors for dessert. They always had a huge gathering of family, all the kids and grandkids. There were always pies of any sort to choose from. There was always cheesecake. Now that they've both passed away, I don't know, but I know that I am thankful for the times, for all the memories, that I am so lucky to have had such a rich life. Things change with time, even in a small town, a barn goes down and suddenly coming home feels just a little different. But I'm not the pimple faced teen or dorky toothless twirp I was either. Now I'm just dorky, but that's it, you gotta enjoy the moments while you've got them, while you're in them.
And it's never too late to start a new tradition, to take the pieces and build something new. We, Colin and I, decided to do it on the night of his party, to make it more convienent for our out of town guest. So I made the pumpkin pie Thursday night. Now mind you, in all my college years of cooking, I never once used the oven. I was a little, (shit, what's gespannt in english) - curious, to see if I was going to be able to pull it off. I got out of work a little later than planned, kinda used up my security window, but that's ok, I work better under pressure. Fired the oven up to the temperature I got off the internet, started peeling potatoes, got the meat in about an hour before we were going to eat (it was a very large breast, not a whole bird). The potatoes were ready for mashing at t-minus 15. The Stovetop Stuffing was the easiest. It all came out on time, and was pretty good. And I made enough that I've got leftovers to carry me through the weekend and then some.
So we got cleaned up and then it was time for the party. It was nice to see Colin have a party like we had. Perhaps the best party thrown by an american in germany. I'm going to miss Colin, he's one of the bros. And I suppose that's the only bad thing about having been so many places, seen so many things, made so many friends, it's hard to keep up with people. You have to fight to figure out when you'll go see people cause they're a 3, 6, 9 hour car or plane ride away.
In other parts of the world, my father has discovered the site. Oh Boy! I hope the batteries in his pacemaker are up to date. There are things said that I thought I would never tell him about, but hey. And I know what he's reading (I better, I wrote it), the parts about my under age drinking and "reckless driving." I hope he's not too disappointed, I hope I still meet his standard. I lived in the time I grew up with, in the culture I was presented with. And even in those day, I didn't drink to get hammered, but to be merry and social. As for the speeding, well, I've always loved pulling G's. Doing 120 wasn't really that entertaining, it was more to see what the old gal could do. And I'd like to think that if the old man could have grown up with Tony and I, that he would have done the same things with us, and that we woulda had one hell of a time.
22.11.05 Stauner Ecke - OK so I didn't know it, but staunen is like when you're amazed, as in by a Capristo in a romantic/orgasmic/sexual experience. So I pronounced something wrong and came up with that, everyone got a good laugh. At least I'll understand it when I can say hey, she was enjoying herself till she couldn't control herself. I think it goes back to what Orrin said in high school, something about being so good that his girlfriend lost control. I'd like to believe that a Capristo experience is exactly as good, if not better, but I only know the reaction I've gotten when I asked "So was that alright for you?" I guess I better watch my pronounciation, but what fun would that be. It was a good night out with Giles, Jessica and Erkan. Erkan's the man. I might be working the night shift after this, but what the hell, depending on who's working, I might be able to take someone home with me. Bahhh, not really, but I can joke about it.
Tomorrow is another day, and it's sure to be as interesting as the rest. It's tough having to look at a formula for a minute, till you can check all the variables through in your head, and look at the form to figure out if they want your last name first or not, cause people are going to think what the fuck's wrong with this kid. And while I might make an ass out of myself, at least I dared to come this far, to take the path less chosen, to make my own path so that others may follow. And I don't care if you care or not, cause the nights like this are worth more than the daily grind, more than being mediocre, ten thousand times over. And I'm not knocking it, if you've taken the road that's easiest to travel, if you've picked what's appealed to you the most, but this is indeed one of the greatest things that makes it worth while. It's one of those nights when I'll look back and say it's because I gave it all up, for this one moment, that I have it all. I'll try to talk slower, like a southern redneck, so that others may understand me, but you people are just too damn geil. And that's just the way it is. I've got 7 hrs to recover and make it to work to deliver proof that I can. It shall be interesting indeed.
21.11.05 - Well for those of you who know how I love a good set of wheels almost as much as I love a good set of legs, I wish to inform you that the purple machine aka my 98 Stratus and Pepe, my sisters neon have been sold off so that the old man could afford a bright blue PT Cruiser. Not that I ever really got attached to the Stratus, certainly not the way I did to the Lancer or Breeze, but we had some fun hanging it on the limit and a couple times beyond on RIT's front circle. And Pepe, well, we screamed over the valley and through the hills coming back from Akron. That was my last good drive. And I have to say something about the ladies here, they're after my own heart. I was with one last weekend, or weekend before last, the girl could shift smoother than silk on a babys ass, a girl after my own heart.
19.11.05 - So it was a good week at work. Spent some time trying to get some samples made up. We ran a test on Thursday, it reminded me of my B&L days. Friday I was working with people in purchasing/quality. It was a good day, we ordered pizza for lunch. It's got to be the best pizza outside of Puruccis back home. I could have done with a little less salt. Not a big fan of salty things, but it was good. This week and weekend for that matter has been low key. After 2 great weekends in a row, I needed a break. Spent most of the nights chatting, catching up with people, getting advice, remembering the old times. I also spent some time adding some updates.
15.11.05 - Well, I'm officially releasing my webpage. I'd like to thank Much for putting me up to this. I've got a lot of ideas, a lot of things I'd like to do to it. This my affect my race car timeline, I want you to know that.
So what have I been up to? Well last week I was working in manufacturing, so I could get to know our products and processes better. I had to laugh at myself, half the time I was analyzing cycle time and the other half I was thinking about yield, utilization and where I stick a vision system. I was on the early shift, which meant getting up at 5, but I was at work by 6 and out the door not too long after 2. Not too shabby. This last weekend I was in Augsburg again. It was a great time again. Martin and I made it a guys night, stayed in and talked about the kind of things guys talk about; wine, women and song. The next day I went with Rainer and him to this celebration that was going on at their church. It was a good time, a lot of sitting, but after my week of standing that wasn't bad either. That night we met up with Melanie and went to the movies. We saw L'auberge Espagnole 2. The film rocked, it's one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. A love story that tells it like it is. The lead character wasn't quite as pimp as my brother, but maybe Joeseph, back in his Don Chi Chi days. I couldn't sleep that night, I was up till prob around 5 even though we got in around 1. Maybe the 4 cups of coffee around 8 had something to do with that, maybe not. The next day we went over to his mom's and I got to see her and Miriam. After that, I took the tram down to Inninger Str. and Könningsbrunn just like in the old days. This time I was going to see Nietsches. It was the same story as before, nothing but good times and great conversation. It had been too long and I was f-ing exstatic to get caught up. Christopher came by after he was done with soccer and after dinner I rode with him back into the city before catching the 8:30 train.
5.11.05 - This week was short. We had holiday Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I was working for quality. Processed some data and more importantly got set up to go to Wolfsburg to visit VW(that's Volkwagon in case you dont know). We went up there to check out some stuff. Things were good on our end. Peter is cool, we had a good time. I think we hit 230 kmh (~145 mph) at one point in the diesel Mercedes we had. Yeah, we got some dirty looks for having a Mercedes, what could we do, it was a rental? We got back on Friday, I packed up and got ready to go to Augsburg. Saturday I caught one of the morning trains and headed down. I had lunch at with Prillers and we looked at some pics till Sebastian had to go back into the brewery. I met up with Melanie and we went into one of the local joints on the Max (Maximillian) Str. Some things never change, some things get better. We caught up for a few hours and then it was time for Honky Tonk. Let me correct myself, Riegele Honky Tonk, sponsored/powered by the brewery. After meeting up with Sebastian, I went in and a little while later Basti (the younger Sebastian) showed up. It was great, I don't think we partied like that since the night in Mo'town years ago. Hanna was with us as well. I don't remember how much I drank, or what time I went to bed, I just remember waking up at 7:30 the next morning and thinking that couldn't be right. Something has to be wrong, I shouldn't be awake. So I rolled over for another 2 hours. Basti and his wife came over for lunch along with grandma. It was a great time. I'm so happy for Basti. He's working at the brewery and will take over when Sebastian retires, he's got a nice wife and a kid on the way. After lunch, Hanna and I came back to Würzburg and I got ready for another week. Time is already flying by, so here we go.
The First Month - Well, let's see. I'm living in a 6 bedroom appartment. It's alright cause there are only 5 of us at the moment. It works out cause Colin and I are the only ones who get up in the morning. Colin is my roommate who will be leaving at the end of November to go back to the states. He's 2 meters 8 cm, whatever that is in feet-inches. So we are usually noticed when we're walking around. Würzburg, or the big Wü is a nice city. The Main River flows through it, it's big enough that it has enough social opportunities, there's a university here and it's easy to get around. Work is good. Everyone at work rocks. The guy I'm working for is real chill, smart and hilarious. After spending a year in the states, he picked up some slang and some of it hasn't gone away. It seems like there is always something to do. Bars can be busy any night of the week. In the middle of October, we went to a Federweisse "Spring Wine" fest. I wish I could explain it, but I can't. Just a bunch of people in a giant hall, live music and lots of fluids. We were grilling beforehand. It was a good night. There was also shuttle party here. Shuttle party is where you pay a couple bucks, get to go around on public transportation and bar hop. It was cool. I was visiting Hanna (host sister from my exchange) beforehand. And that's the news.
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