Who is this Frank Guy - Random Thoughts
My Random Thoughts
26.09.2007 Last of the Nice Guys
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town
(or across the state) to see her.
To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick.
To every guy who has given her flowers just because.
To every guy that said he would die for her.
To every guy that really would.
To every guy that did what she wanted to do.
To every guy that cried in front of her.
To every guy that she cried in front of.
To every guy that holds hands with her.
To every guy that kisses her with meaning.
To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours
just to see her for ten minutes
To every guy that would give his seat up.
To every guy that just wants to cuddle.
To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful
no matter what.
To every guy who told his secrets to her.
To every guy that tried to show how much he cared
through every word and every breath.
To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
To every guy that believed in her dreams.
To every guy that would have done anything
so she could achieve them.
To every guy that never laughed at her
when she told him her dreams.
To every guy that walked her to her car.
To every guy that gave his heart.
To every guy who prays that she is happy
even if you are not with her.
...This one bulletin is for you...
Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore...
And because of this, there are not many left out there...
If you are a nice guy repost this with "We're a Dying Breed "
If you are a girl that thinks every guy should treat a girl this way
repost this with: "To Every Guy...
FC: I couldn't agree with the closing more. Often times growing up, I adapted the line from Days of Thunder, "they need a brand name, an athlete or a player." Meanwhile all I could do was beg for a chance, just one chance to show someone I thought was special what I could, what I would do for them. I became a man of poetry, and wrote for no one that was mine, but she who would someday be the one. Of course I was inspired and likewise rejected by some, all but a few over the years, not that there were many.
By the time I got through the first semester of college, I was about ready to write a book entitled "Just a Friend," and have often enough felt that way since. I coined the phrase "Nice guys finish last, but we do finish, we always finish. - And plus, the women like it better that way."
And at times I find myself feeling those same old feelings. The hopeless romantic has not died, but experience has taught him all too well about the rules of love. Everyone should love and loose, and know what it's truly like. The nice guys are there, and seek to have a relationship. It's often they who are the shoulders that get cried on when the lady gets her heart broken by one of the others. The story repeats itself over and over. I've seen it many a time. And yet it changes nothing. For the ones where it is just a game, who could so easily have the true rewards if they weren't so blind to it, well it just doesn't seem fair. The nice guys are there, and could do it all, but we're never the right "type."
Life is not fair. More and more, practicality replaces principle. You adapt to where the rewards and gains are. As said in Hitch, you can make it so you never have to feel that way again. But for the true nice guys out there, straight to the core, and burnt to the core but not broken, we are the last of a dying breed.
22.08.2007 Falling in Love - Hard on the Knees
And there it is, a certain smile, a certain sparkle. I haven’t known it in so long I’m not sure if I’m dreaming or not. My face starts to ache from smiling back and I know I’m awake. We haven’t know each other for very long, but here we are, and my heart already sways. Is it the look in your eyes doing that to me, or the way your bangs come off to the side?
Once again I feel myself being reduced down to feeling like I know nothing about the world. I don’t know if you feel the same way or not, but can’t help hoping that you’ll fall for me so I can hold you in my arms and kiss you deep.
Is that too much too fast? I don’t know the rules any more. You redefined them. All I know is how nice it would be to lay out on a blanket in the park with you, sit and have a cappuccino at a café with you, dance the night away and fall asleep in your arms. And that’s all I know.
Frank the
“"You never know when you might have the chance to enjoy it again...Too many hobbies, too little time. That’s life....And life, we each live our own. The wild live it by their own divine will, the weak follow the world around them, and the strong mix both to provide unique experiences in their lives, but with adequate self balance, criticism and check. Of course that is my view, and as such I try to live by my own words.” -Frank Capristo... my good friend and mentor..." Josh G.
No, I’m not sure I would have believed it either without reading it for my own eyes. It’s always an honor when something like that turns up. I suppose my first thought was, did I write that? And I checked that current events and thought, “Oh yeah, I guess I did.” And then I thought, someone actually reads this crap. I like to philosophize about life, thoughts, ideas, feelings. I do it whenever I have enough time to let my mind wander for a little while, and I’m not daydreaming.
It doesn’t happen often enough. When you’re a kid, if you didn’t get smacked for dropping the f-bomb, you probably received a hefty time out. Fuck, if I had that luxury today, I’d be one well rested daydreaming fool. Writing always helps me to relieve the internal stress. It’s similar to talking to a good friend, in that you get to vent, which is sometimes all you need. Talking to a good friend is always good, human interaction. Still, writing is fun all by itself. The fact that someone else reads it and takes it to heart is something I always find amazing. The power of a voice.
So me, a mentor? Get outta town. I mean I remember a few of us laying out under the stars by the flag pole at camp, chatting about life, liberty and the pursuit of women. It just so happened, that my last summer up there started right after I had gotten cheated on and dumped. It was a very philosophical time for me. Of course I told everyone that I wasn’t too affected. I was trying to convince myself of that, that it didn’t matter, and that I would find someone better. The whole time, I was only missing what I had had, what someone else now had, and it was eating me up the whole summer.
Live and learn. I asked a lot of questions that summer, and explained quite a few thoughts, while trying to mask the feelings. Still, I’m too much of a dynamic person, and the people who know me can always see through it, and know to take that itself as a sign of how I’m doing. All I ever explain is my rational, something anyone else could come up with. I try to look at all points and place myself in all the shoes. Hardly anything in the world is single sided, and most of it is 3D. One has to try and think that way as well.
I guess neither myself, nor most others would put it past me. I spent six summers teaching outdoor skills to rambunctious preadolescent kids who were off their Ritalin for the summer. If you can do that, you can do a lot of things. But teaching is not mentoring, there is a difference. Mentoring requires letting someone lead themselves, and just presenting information on the table. They get to choose what to take. Mentoring often lead to helping people to look inside themselves. They end up looking deep within, to find and listen to their true voice, the voice where the heart, the mind and the soul are one, the same and in harmony. It’s a hard place to come to, and I don’t think most people ever really know for sure, even after they’ve found it.
Still, we each have to trust in it, knowing that if things don’t go the way they should have, when plans and expectations fall through, that one can always return to the true people and places that one has, the things that are timeless. They are the family and friends, where the time in between seeing them never changes the relationship. It could have been yesterday that you saw them last, rather than 4 months ago. They are the places that may change over time, but never fail to loose their feeling. One need not to have the largest family, 1000 friends, or have been to every corner of the globe. Quantity does not surpass quality and the only race we run is against ourselves. Everything else is trivial. For everything else, there’s Mastercard, casinos, alcohol and prostitutes.
In life, it is seldom that your first ever kiss or date becomes your mate. This is usually the exception to the rule, and life’s path is often the same. More often is the case, that we live a series of relationships. Sometimes we end them, sometimes someone else ends them. Sometimes you are in one and tempted to be in another. Life is a duel between choices.
There is always a rock and a hard place. And for some, when tempted, they will make the jump. It’s usually the gutsy move and not so often the case. It goes against human nature to be reckless, and more often than not, is done only as an excuse to be reckless. The only certainty is that nothing is for certain. Others will stay with what they have, with what they know. And some will stay with the one they have, but always dream back on the chance they gave up, and how it could have been, maybe even how it should have been.
That’s life, and most times, it isn’t till afterwards, after the dust has settled, after the heart rate and blood pressure have gone down, that we see with clarity. Call it Monday morning quarterbacking, sure. In the heat of the moment, you only have split seconds to think and react. But when it comes to the course of our lives, you can go to a friend, or to one of those places for a few hours. You can relax, put it all out of your mind for a little while and then come back to it. Things often look different after that. A little breather after going crazy is good for the soul.
Coming to terms with what you will have and what you will have to give up is always a challenge. But as I always try to remember, when worst comes to worst, there will always be those people and those places, and they seldom go away, they are always there. And even when the distance separates them from you, you can close your eyes and go there, deep within your heart, where you always carry them.
Frank’s Personality
No one ever asks me if I know who Tyler Durden is. Sometimes though, I kinda wonder who I am. The world is a funny place. You look at yourself every morning in the mirror, you have your thoughts, your reasons, your character. Still, does it come off the way you want it to? I was screwing around last Friday night and ran across a little personality test. I’d like to say it’s pretty accurate. I should hope so. I answered the questions honest, but maybe a bit modest. I present them now to you.
Frank’s Agreeableness
- Does he take care of others, or take care of his own selfish ass?
This section describes Frank’s interactions with other people. The ways we communicate our feelings, beliefs and ideas to others are influenced by our cultural backgrounds, the way we were raised, and sometimes, which side of the bed we got up on that morning. Some of us are very mindful of others, making decisions we hope will be in the best interests of others even if it means sometimes neglecting our own interests. Others believe each person should be responsible for themselves, taking deep pride in their own character and independence with a firm belief that others are best served by doing the same. The following describes how Frank engages with others; illustrating the dimension of his personality that determines his independence and his desire to reach out and touch others in meaningful ways.
Frank is best described as usually taking care of himself.
Words that describe Frank:
How he interacts with others:
He is clearly a compassionate person (He’s a Capristo. Read: Passion Expert). He believes that one should do unto others as they would have others do unto them, and he knows that friends help their friends. But with him, compassion is just one side of the coin; the other being a side that he also expects others to hold up their end of the bargain. So he helps others, but it is with the expectation that others don't take advantage of him or try to put one over. In short, he expects others to treat him as he treats them.
And for those people who do ask for help when they should have taken responsibility for themselves? This is the time when his more hard-edged side comes out. He is skeptical of people when they expect others to bail them out of trouble. If they got themselves into the bind, they should work their way out of the trouble. If it's an emergency, or if it's a friend who has been there for him when he has had hard times, he is there in a jiffy. But he is a discerning person and to him there is a big difference between an emergency and a self-inflicted wound. He just looks at the facts: how the situation developed, how serious is the situation, and how they can or cannot get through things on their own. The history he has with the person and with similar situations will inform him whether he should get involved or not.
He also has some limits when it comes to being with people. Sure some people need to be with others all the time, and seem to get recharged by helping out most anyone else. But that's not exactly him. He knows that he does best if he spends a fair amount of time on his own. Not that he’s a loner, just that time spent by himself is not wasted at all. He’s come to understand that if you don't take good care of yourself, eventually you won’t be any good to anyone, including himself and others.
So his compassion is tempered by realism. His sympathy for people in trouble is balanced by a critical evaluation of how dumb they are in the first place. Learning by doing. He’s been there himself and might be again. And he’s learned to take good care of himself, so he had something to give to hid friends or others truly in need.
Typical Negative Reactions People Have to the Frankster:
Some people may see his practical style as lacking compassion. When his compassion is tempered, as it is at times by his discerning questions and careful consideration, it may seem to some like he has too much head and too little heart. And when he uses time and energy to take care of himself, there will inevitably be some who see this as selfish and uncaring. But his approach is neither heady nor selfish. It is Frank. And since it doesn’t appear to be causing him consistent problems in important relationships, there is really no reason to change. His distinctive manner of having clear expectations for the relationships in which he’s in, will exert his energy and show his true core.
The Good Stuff:
The truth is that most people respect someone who knows themselves and what they want. So even if some people don't get exactly what they want from him, they will often leave with a deeper sense of respect for this guy. His frank and honest approach may help someone to help themselves when they didn't think this was possible. They wind up better off: they're out of trouble, they did it on their own, and they have him to thank. And Frank was true to himself. A good chap indeed.
Frank’s Openness
Curious or Contented?
(Definitely straight by the way.)
What you’re going to learn is how firmly committed he is to the ideas and beliefs that govern his thinking and guide his behavior. Some people trust their current ideas and beliefs the way a climber trusts the mountain; whichever way they move, whether the climb is on a familiar trail or over new ground, there is something solid beneath them, something they count on.
For others, new ideas, new solutions to old problems, new beliefs that replace tired convictions are like welcome wind in their sails. They can hardly wait to tack in a new direction and ride a new idea through uncharted waters. If it's new, it's interesting, and they're ready to explore.
The following paragraphs describe Frank’s responses to new ways of thinking and believing. How do he handle new information? Is he more like the climber on a familiar mountain or a sailor with a tiller in hand and a fresh breeze to propel him (maybe it’s the rum doing all the propelling, they did say sailor)? How he integrates and processes new information about the world and about others is a core aspect of everyone’s personality.
Frank is sometimes curious, sometimes content.
(Curious {not the right word, but bear with it} to have sex, content to wait for women who are mentally sane and the right ones.)
More words to describe Frank:
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How does this dude approach new information and experiences?
Like someone who can sleep comfortably on either side of the bed (who says he sleeps?), he is equally at home with ideas and beliefs that he has held for a long time, and with new ways of thinking and believing that grow out of his intellectual curiosity.
His sense of who he is, and what his place is in the world around him, rests on values and principles that make up the solid ground he walks on. He’s tested them. They work for him. And most of the time, he is content to trust them, that is, until some provocative new idea slips in from a conversation, book or some flight of his active imagination. "Hmmmm. What's this. Never thought of it before." And off he goes, exploring.
Since he loves to learn, he’s always been teachable (Ladies take note). He absorbs new information, which means he is well-educated in things that matter to him. Sometimes his intellectual exploring will lead back to where he started; the "next new thing" proves too shallow or impractical to him. But once in a while, a new idea or belief will shift him from the ground he’s stood upon. It is so compelling and persuasive that he has to step away from the tried-and-true, and embrace this notion that is brand new to him.
Because he holds both solid beliefs and is open to new ideas, he is accepting of other people as well as other ways of thinking and believing. He is flexible enough to listen to something new and different, or something outside of his comfort zone. If it works for him, he'll take it in, and if not, he let’s it go. In this sense, he knows who he is: he is neither closed-minded nor wildly open-minded, but walk somewhere near the middle of the intellectual road and reason.
The things people are going to bitch about due to his way of thinking:
Not everyone will be thrilled by his flexible, middle-of-the-road (a matter of opinion in my opinion.) ways of thinking and believing. A few people are so taken with flights of imagination into whatever is new, that they might find his commitment to long-standing values and beliefs too confining, if not too boring. Oh well; so be it. They'll just have to be in free-flight without him.
Others are content with the ideas that have served them and their culture well. They're not excited by the prospect of moving on. And some people are afraid of new ways of thinking because they are somewhat fragile. They have trouble maintaining their current worlds and don't want someone like Frankie-boy, for instance, pushing out the edges of their intellectual cosmos. Don't be surprised if his solid values sometimes make people distrust him as an explorer, or if his flexible and open mind sometimes gets him criticized by people who walk away from the very same explorations that he finds refreshing.
What the bros will might say about their bro:
Many will find him trustworthy and therefore an attractive companion on the intellectual journey. They will appreciate the combination of his open-mindedness and commitment to the tried-and-true. In an intellectual climate sometimes dominated by the extremes of either wild innovation or dug-in traditionalism, his moderate views and proper acceptance of a wide range of possibilities will be a distinctive and refreshing quality. Because he joins his curiosity with strong foundational ideas, beliefs and practical solutions to problems, people will trust his occasional explorations into new territories to be reliable, and not "something new for newness sake".
He is accepting of others, flexible in his own intellectual commitments, well-informed in areas that matter to him. He is also comfortably aware of who he is and where he stands. This combination will make him a desirable companion on the intellectual journey for many, many people.
Emotional Stability
Steady or unsteady?
We're all born with the capacity to feel deeply, so it's as natural as breathing to experience a range of emotions. Fear and joy, sadness and anger, shame and disgust all lie somewhere within each of us. Ah, but to what extent do we control these emotions, and to what extent do they control us? How we each answer this question of how our emotions play out in our lives has a great deal to do with our levels of personal satisfaction and with the character of our relationships with others.
Does Frank manage his emotions well, keeping them in check with his thinking and willpower, or is he someone who lets emotions have their way, giving in to the wild dance of feelings? The following paragraphs describe his emotional range in terms of being a person who is either emotionally steady or someone who is responsive to whatever feelings swell up within.
What surprised the hell out of Frank when he read it: Very Responsive!
Do any of these words ring a bell when trying to describe him?
A general description of Frank’s radioactivity (Is there a half-life to this):
Each one of us encounters some hard times; we get caught off guard, or feel a sudden swell of emotion, whether from fear, joy, anger or sadness. Life is just a bitch sometimes. Sorry about your luck.
Frank knows that because he is an emotional person (A sensitive side for you ladies). Some people go to great lengths to keep their emotions under wraps, to keep a stiff upper lip, to not let others know what emotions they are feeling. But that’s not Frank. He embraces all of life's emotions, both the joys and the turmoil that life brings our way. (What else am I going to do, sell it on EBay?)
When he’s having fun with a group of friends, he doesn't even try to contain his pleasure. He laughs hard and feels every moment of the conversation. He does this because of the joy that comes from the experience. He makes very intense friendships; ones where all of the depth of emotions one can feel are experienced. Emotions are an essential part of his everyday life. He may cry at intense movies or when watching a sad story on the evening news (Naw, usually I’m laughing in disbelief at how dumb the world is). He gets angry, at others or (mostly) himself, and he doesn’t stifle it. Emotions drive his personality and relationships - he simply is what he feels (I guess that’s a passion for life, but who knows).
He experiences both highs and lows more profoundly than most (without the added overhead of doing drugs I might add). And he usually relishes the intensity of his emotions. He surely enjoys the good times. There are those times, though, when his feelings get the best of him, and he wonders how he’ll manage the moment (Bah, don’t let the man get you down. There ain’t nothing you can’t do in a race car). Because he’s so in tune with all his emotions, he will experience something very pleasant and will be able to engage with that positive feeling to again enjoy the wonderful intensity that life has to offer.
More bitching from the peanut gallery:
If we were to ask Frank what negative reactions may result from his approach to his emotions, it would likely be that some people find it hard to deal with his strong feelings. They might think of him as emotionally "over the top," and wish he would be more like those who are always emotionally composed and less prone to fully engage their emotions.
What the other critics might say:
Despite any negative reactions others may have towards him, many people will be grateful for his strong emotions, and willingness to experience these emotions. They will appreciate the candor with which he expresses even his deepest feelings, feelings they themselves might want to express, but may find difficult to share. Frank’s openness will be an encouragement to them as well. Still others may find his intensity compelling (Hint: wear sunglasses if it’s too bright for ya). Some feel emotionally flat, and he could be a burst of passion in their dull worlds (Or when the man has you down), and an encouragement to them to "get with" their own feelings (Dating yourself? I’ve been getting with myself for months. All I got was the encouragement to find a woman). Any or all of these people will be grateful for a friend who is so emotionally present.
Focused or Flexible?
I know it reads like stereo instructions, but:
It's a work day, breakfast is over. He’s dressed and ready to go. So how will our Frank approach the tasks at hand? Some people work best with a clear schedule, a set of priorities and a due date for every step in the process. Others are, shall we say, less regimented. They approach a task with as much imagination as organization, and with a willingness to bend and modify in order to exercise some urge of creativity.
What about Frank? Does he walk in a straight line toward a clear goal, or is he more likely to dance his way down whatever path will get him wherever it is he’s headed? The following paragraphs describe ways in which Frankie-poo approaches the tasks life brings. You’ll also find out to what extent he is focused and/or flexible in how he chooses to proceed.
Frank’s Approach to Obligation is: Focused & Flexible
Another table with bullets and words:
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How does he do this:
When he takes on a task at work or at home, he’s reliable. He get’s the job done. In an organized way, he defines the goal, lays out a plan, figures how long the task will take, and gets to work "solid and dependable as always."
But and this is important, he’s not a slave to the plan. He’s committed to it, but not chained to it. The connection is more casual and informal. He knows that sometimes "the best laid plans" fall off the tracks or out of the sky. When this happens, he cleans up the train wreck and starts over, undeterred.
Though not happening often, when plans change, he’s okay with it. In fact, sometimes he’ll change the plan. For example, if it's too nice of a Saturday to finish organizing the garage, he might say “Let's go for a bike ride instead.” True, the next rainy Saturday will likely find him back in the garage, but for now the work can wait. (It’s all about getting the most out of life, the optimum burn for intensity and longevity.)
What an interesting (their choice of word, not mine) combination of qualities. He’s organized, but casual; solid, but compliant; and dependable, but informal. At home and at work, people know they can rely on him. He takes great satisfaction in knowing that people think of him as disciplined and responsible, but he also knows that you have to have something of a free spirit inside. When this spirit moves him, off he goes, following the impulse of the moment. He’s right proud of his work ethic, but he also enjoys his willingness to lay the tools down, crank up the music, and play like a child (Work hard, play hard).
More comments from Siskell and Ebert, though I prefer Statler and Waldorf:
Some people live like Marines: duty-bound, disciplined and driven. To these people your man Frank might seem uncommitted. Where they would never leave work for play, or change plans in the middle of their life's forced march, Frank lets the circumstance sway him and move in a different direction. They don't understand.
Others live like kites on a string, attached by thin threads to the solid ground of responsibility and are blown about by every gust of impulse or imagination. To these people Frank might seem too cowardly, like he'll flirt with the impulses, but never give in fully, play on a Saturday but never blow of the entire work-week to "follow his bliss".
While these Marines and kite-flyers might look down on him for his combination of focus and flexibility, others might be envious. They can't free themselves from a sense that they're not doing enough, or from the equally frustrating feeling that they're not free enough.
And here Frank is, with his accomplishments and pleasures, getting the job done but also getting his hair blown back as he runs with the wind, or straight into it. As far as these people are concerned, he’s lucky to have the best of both of the worlds in which they feel they fail.
Comments from those likely on prozac, zanifdol or any of those other drugs with little cartoon characters running across the screen:
What a great life Frank has, and a great attitude to boot. When he’s not being a sarcastic SOB, he knows when to buckle down and push ahead to get the job done (as does every Capristo), and he does it well. He knows when to lay the tools of the trade aside, grab his kite and head for the meadow where he can run with the wind as well (Or stay at home and pleasure the misses). Many people will see and admire Freddie for this lovely combination of a person who can focus, but who is flexible enough to know when to let the spirit move him in some new and livelier direction.
It's a life most aspire to, and people are delighted in seeing it played out in his life. Some may ask his advice and turn him into a mentor of the full and balanced experience. They will want to know how he does it, what the costs are, and if he gets frightened (I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?) that he’s not working hard enough or playing often enough. They may make him think about his own life more than he has, so he can share it with those who want to emulate this balance between flexibility and focus. They may be correct, that lucky son of a gun!
Outgoing or Reserved?
It’s your last chance, but in case you’re too dumb to figure it out:
Some days Franktoberfest wants to hang out by himself, not answer the phone, and make the world go away. The next day he’ll e-mail everyone, go to lunch with a friend, and try to find some gathering to take part in that evening (I didn’t know I was a fucking rollercoaster). It may be the phases of the moon, or something he ate; some days are just like that. In actuality, his desire to be with others or to be alone reflects something deep in his personality. Some of us are more comfortable by ourselves or with one or two friends, while others crave the crowd and can't stand it when the house is empty or the phone doesn't ring. The following paragraphs describe Frank’s fundamental desires about being with other people; whether he is generally an outgoing person or more reserved, if he seeks adventures with others, and if he tends toward assertiveness or kindness.
When it comes to being an arogant prick or being a floppy cock, Frank is:
Sometimes Outgoing, Sometimes Reserved
The last little box of words describing Frankie Boy:
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A general description of how Frank plays with himself and with others (Princess Bride “gentley”):
Lucky Spank! He enjoys his own company as much as he enjoys the company of others. He’s a great conversationalist and thrives in the wonderful kinds of connections he knows how to have with his family and friends. He also equally enjoys his own company, whether sitting in a favorite chair with his book and soft music playing or wandering in the woods by himself. He likes going home to his family or roommate (when he has one); but if no one is home, he finds quiet, solitary time to be just as pleasurable. What a great combination to enjoy being outgoing and to be just as comfortable being reserved. Lucky Focker!!
Because he is so amiable and relaxed, he is comfortable with almost any group of family or friends. Whether they are pumped up and lively or calm and subdued, he remains at ease. If someone needs to take over the conversation, he is comfortable taking the lead. Frank can also lay back and let someone else be in charge. No big f-ing deal. If the conversation gets rowdy, his moderate demeanor will often draw it down to a more temperate level. If someone in the group loses their cool, he will most likely maintain his poise, and if they get nasty he knows how to keep a civil tongue, even though he may want to back hand the SOB.
He may find himself out of balance on occasion. If he’s alone too much, he may need to get in touch with someone. If he spends too much time with his family and friends, he will most likely need to sneak off for a day by himself. He’ll putter and read and clear his head of the noise of too much conversation. When he’s at his best, he lives in a rhythm of time with others, time alone, time with others, and time alone. It's a satisfying, comfortable balance. Lucky him!
The Last Bit O’Negativity
Our Frank may occasionally run into problems with other people. Since not everyone is as balanced as he is, close friends and family may get frustrated with him, or he with them. They may be more sociable and outgoing, and find him too laid-back and relaxed. They want conversations to be lively and passionate while he keeps things amiable, civil and dialed down. Or, others may be more quiet and reserved than him, and when he’s in one of his more animated moments, they may wish he would back off, sit down and shut the hell up. He may be ready to put more energy into a conversation than they are comfortable with.
His balance may be a problem. Other people may be consistently more sociable or more reserved than him, and find him to hard to read. Some may even say he rides the fence. Others may find themselves envious of his ability to be outgoing at times, and at other times comfortably reserved. As long as he has his head pulled out of his ass, and pays attention to pick up on these cues, he’ll be in a better position to interact with such folks.
End It On a High Note; Get Stoned, Get in a Plane, Get High In a Plane:
Most people, of all IQ’s, will truly appreciate his flexibility in social situations. They will like him for his amiable warmth and willingness to put in his two cents. At the same time, they will respect and admire him for his ability to sit back and let others take the lead or the spotlight. No insecurities about needing to be the center of attention with this guy. They will appreciate the ways in which he tempers what could become intemperate moments; by remaining poised and relaxed when others are flipping out and getting out of line. When the temperatures are a rising, he cools things off to keep everyone merry and chill (We’re only talking about social settings here ladies, this Capristo is all Capristo).
He is as good at listening and following as he is at talking and leading. A true leader helps others to lead themselves. People will often appreciate his ability to adapt to the situations at hand. Because he is sometimes outgoing and sometimes reserved, he’ll make most people comfortable in his presence, and they will truly enjoy his company.
In Closing
There you have it, to the best of my ability, I hereby sign away my life, liberty and first born child should I be found guilty of perjury. I answered a whole bunch of questions as best as I could. I hope you agree, agree with the good, and can help me improve those other points. We never stop growing as people, but we each have our cores. This has been an attempt to let you all look in. I hope you enjoyed.
Frank’s Type of Girl
Indeed, I often find myself quoting Pirates of the
Here we are though, Frankie’s been just about another year in Germany, seen lots of eye candy, but never been able to sample let alone claim one of Germany’s honeys for his own. As always, I am inclined to wonder why?
For starters, it goes back to the way it’s always been, Frankie doesn’t know to mack. When I’m in my game, I know how to play, but my game has never been the walk up to some random attractive girl and as her her name. My game has always been the random chance game, where someone introduces me and we start to chat. On the off chance that a buddy is a’mackin, and I happen to be playing wingman, it’s easy cause I’m just along for the ride. In very rare circumstances, some girl find me irresistible and has to be over obvious with me. And that’s the way it is.
I suppose the hard part for me, is that the level of attractiveness doesn’t guarantee the level of attractiveness, if you know what I mean. Beauty doesn’t mean I’m going to remain interested, and I want to have something more than that to go on.
So what am I really after? What kind of girl is Frank’s type? I think part of my problem is that I don’t exactly know myself. I know what I know from experience, I know what I want to do with my life, and what that means as far as a woman, is somewhat hard to explain. I find myself turning to The Girl Next Door, although I’m not looking for a blond in particular.
I go to the diner scene. They’re there and she’s telling the kid they need to find him a girl who is attractive, can make him laugh and who will push him to do things he never thought possible. Indeed. And to evaluate that, I don’t like the over made up beauties. Most actresses and models are attractive, but only in the over done sense. Maybe that’s my opinion, cause that’s the only way I ever see them other than how they’re made up for some film. But I must confess, I’ve found certain ones attractive in a film, but the real life shots of them just plain… suck. I don’t like the plastic look. I don’t like the over generous chest, or anorexic looks either. I don’t like the frills or extreme looks. I like the tasteful girl next door look.
I don’t usually like the short hair look. I’m usually more of a fan of shoulder length or longer. Hair and eye color don’t really matter, it’s usually more of just a way everything looks together. I know I’m a big fan of legs and not chests. Looks are usually a case by case basis with me, but I know I’m not a fan of the piercing or tattoo ladies. Ear rings are nice, leave the nose and everything else alone.
Personality, of course it’s important. There are some guys who refer to girls that have personality, meaning they have large chests, but I’m after the real thing. What does that mean? I can’t exactly say. She should be nice, but not too nice. Girls that are always in a good mood just have something wrong with them. I want a girl with a sense of humor, or who can, at least understand and put up with my humor.
Intelligence is also important. I don’t mean just book smarts, but an understanding of the world in general. I want someone who can evaluate the world and look at it from various points of view. She should be confident in her own thoughts, but be willing to reevaluate opinions based on new information.
And while I generally break things down into those 3 things; looks, personality and intelligence, I know I have more specific things. I need a girl who likes the outdoors. I don’t want some girl who just wants to go to the beach and sit with her book. There’s time for that too, but I’d like to have a girl who is willing to go sailing, hiking and camping as well. I want a girl who will go dancing, but also enjoys a quiet evening in a café. I want a girl who likes a quiet evening in front of a movie as much as going to a party and staying out till
We are all strong and weak. We all have the moments when we are up or down. I need a girl who will lean on me when she needs it, and can be supportive when I need it. I don’t know. I feel like it’s all bs. I want a girl who simply has “that spark.” I want a girl who will be a good mother. I want a girl who can look sexy in jeans and a shirt, without trying, and who can be dead sexy when she wants to be. And she’ll do it just to drive me crazy, and somehow I’ll be able to do the same for her.
I want a girl who can lead, follow and walk beside me. I want a girl who wants to share it all, and discover even more. Does such a girl exist? Damned if I know. I know what I’ve held in my arms. I know the magic I’ve touched and for whatever reasons, it went to a certain point and that’s it. But what I’m after, what I believe we are all after, is the one that brings no boundaries and who is timeless. And so it is she, who is my type of girl.
02.09.06 Frank the Scout
For those of you who know or don't know, I was active in scouting. Most people don't really know what that means. Some thinks that it means you never do anything wrong, and always help little old ladies across the street. I'm not going to go in and debate that, but what I will say, is that I try to live by the points in scouting. I hope when you read these, you see and understand me.
Scout Law
A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.
A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.
A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.
A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.
A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners make it easier for people to get along together.
A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.
A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.
A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.
A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at or threaten him.
A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Motto
Be Prepared
Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily
The Eagle Scout Charge
The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character. He knows that "A Scout is trustworthy" is the very first point of the Scout Law for good reason. An Eagle Scout lives honorably, not only because honor is important to him but because of the vital significance of the example he sets for other Scouts. Living honorably reflects credit on his home, his church, his troop, and his community. May the white of the Eagle badge remind you to always live with honor.
The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation. His loyalty to his troop and brother Scouts makes him pitch in and carry his share of the load. All of these help to build the loyalty which means devotion to community, to country, to one's own ideals, and to God. Let the blue of the Eagle badge always inspire your loyalty.
The third obligation of the Eagle Scout is to be courageous. Courage has always been a quality by which men measure themselves and others. To a Scout, bravery means not only the courage to face physical danger, but the determination to stand up for the right. Trusting in God, with faith in his fellowman, he looks forward to each day, seeking his share of the world's work to do. Let the red in the Eagle badge remind you always of courage.
The fourth obligation of an Eagle Scout is to be cheerful. To remind the Eagle Scout to always wear a smile, the red, white, and blue ribbon is attached to the scroll of the Second Class Scout award, which has its ends turned up in a smile.
The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. The Eagle Scout extends a helping hand to those who still toil up Scouting's trail, just as others helped him in his climb to the Eagle. The performance of the daily Good Turn takes on a new meaning when he enters a more adult life continuing service to others. The Eagle stands as protector of the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while defending his own. He will always "Be Prepared" to put forth his best.
You deserve much credit for having achieved Scouting's highest award. But wear your award with humility, ever mindful that the Eagle Scout is looked up to as an example. May the Scout Oath and the Scout Law be your guide for tomorrow and onward.
A Day in the Life of this Capristo
If the alarm is set, it goes off at a quarter past 6, just like it the days of old when I used to have to follow my father to the shower. The shower takes about 10 minutes, 5 to shower and 5 to strip/dry off. I have my own sink in my room. I press play to whatever playlist is loaded in winamp and shave. It’s about another 10 minutes to do that, and I’ve finished drying the rest of the way off. It’s time to throw on a pair of pants and maybe the t-shirt of the day before walking down to the kitchen. I nuke some coffee water and then sip it as I finish dressing.
Somewhere between 7 and quarter after I leave for work. If I’m feeling frisky, I’ll take the 25 minutes and walk. Most days it’s a 15 minute bike ride. She’s a weathered older style mountain bike. I can’t make time on her the way I could on the road bike, but she’s all season transportation. We cruise along at a pace that keeps me from turning into a sweaty mess by the time I get to work. Walking is nice if I’ve got the time. I’ll finish waking up before I get to work. I’ll have time to get my thoughts in order for the day and admire the beauty of my surroundings. If it’s raining, I’ll arrive at work a little wet on my thighs, but dry off pretty quick.
I’ll swipe in and walk upstairs. If I’m wearing a jacket or fleece, I’ll hang it up and go around, say good morning and shake everyone’s hand. It’s the standard practice here. If someone has a birthday, or for some reason has some goodies, they’ll be sitting on the counter next to the coffee machine. I go and fire up the computer, get out my notebook and whatever clips of paper I need for the projects I’m in the middle of. About that time it’s time to log on and fire up Outlook. If I’ve gotten any emails over night, I check them out.
If I’ve got samples being built, I’ll go down there to check on the status of things and see what’s going on. If not, I’m in the middle of data up to my elbows with paper scattered across the desk and on top of parts. I’ll wait till 8 if I need to make any calls. If it’s a normal day, I’ve got till about
Things are a dull roar or full bore. There will be about 10 different things on my plate at once. Some are hot and need to be taken care of asap. Some are things I need to set up with other people and keep track of. The rest are things that are waiting for the 5 minutes I wish I had.
The wholly time is from 9-9:15, break time. Most people bring in bread with something on it or go to the caf. If I’m starving I’ll run out to the caf. If things are running really good and the techs invite me, which they will, I’ll go and eat at the caf with them. Thursday is Leberkäse with eggs and Friday is Bratwurst. I usually work through it. I say screw it, I’ve got too much to do, too little time.
It’ll be a hard push of madness up until lunch. I might have to run out to our large storage area or the main production line. I might be measuring something in the fine measurements lab, or by hand in the small sample storage room. If I need a Mat. Sci guy I will probably be out there to drop off or pick up parts. Towards 11:30 my stomach lets me know what time it is. Jessica and I usually walk over between 12 and
The afternoon goes by too fast. I haven’t gotten enough done, but I’ll probably burnt out enough. I’ll take it up to somewhere between
It’ll have been one crazy day. I’ll have had about 10 gears to switch between about as many times as an F1 driver. I’ll still have the wind down; the overlap time takes a while. It’s better when I walk or have to pick up some food. Dinner is always some sort of meat with a side, probably rice or mashed potatoes or I’ll break things up with pasta. Everybody is always dazzled with my cooking, although I maintain that it’s nothing special. I usually make my meat a little crispy/burnt. Not bad, just starting to, like it was cooked on a grill. People are always worried about it, but I tell them it’s perfect.
If it’s a Monday or Wednesday, I’ll probably be playing soccer. Afterwards we’ll all chill in the hallway waiting for each other to cycle through the shower. If it’s a Tuesday or Thursday I might be bowling with a couple of the guys from the sample shop, but we don’t do it every week. I might hang out with Marcel and company, watch a movie, read, write, work in Photoshop, compose a new playlist or go to the internet café. There are always a number of spontaneous things that can happen as well. I can always go to the park or down to the river to sit on a bench in the setting sun.
Somewhere between 11 and 12 I’ll hit the hay. It will most likely be closer to 12. If I go to sleep earlier, I’ll wake up before my alarm.
If it’s the weekend, Friday might be quiet or spontaneous. Most likely, I’m too burnt out to stay out past 1 and will consider the night a success if I’m busy till 11. Unless I stay out past 2 or consume more than 6 drinks, I will begrudgingly wake up somewhere between 8 and 9, if not earlier on my own. King Morningwood will tell me to get up. I am obliged to follow his command, but return promptly to bed and will probably dream till 11. I might have the urge to get up and start the day early, but I remind myself I need to rest up for the night to come.
I’ll get up, go pick up grocery to get me through the rest of the weekend. Everything outside of restaurants and similar establishments is closed on Sunday. I’ll enjoy walking around. If the weather is decent, the scenery will be too. I’ll go check out what’s in the charts, but most of it won’t interest me. I’ll be happier cruising through DVD’s looking for something good on sale. I might walk into one of the toy stores / model shops and check things out. I’ll hit up the clothing stores and do window shopping, just to see if there’s something I like. For the most part, my wardrobe is complete with all the shirts and pants my mother and girlfriends have given me over the years and I won’t see anything I want or need. Saturday night is go out night. Someone is always doing something. Depending on who I’m with, where we are and how things are going, I’ll probably walk home between 1 and 6 if I’m not crashing at someone else’s place. It will take me a maximum of 45 minutes regardless of where I am. Most likely in the 10-15 minute range. It’s always nice to do things that way. The cool night air is always refreshing. If I’m lucky, the stars will be out and I’ll gaze the whole way back.
Sunday will probably start around 12 but can be as early as 10 and as late as 1. I’ll get up, eat something. If the weather is nice, I’ll go outside and read somewhere. If not, I’ll sit on my bed and read or write in my journal. Time goes by so fast with so much going on. I won’t remember it if I don’t keep up with whatever the last two weeks have been like. One week can be hard enough. Most of the kids on my floor go home on the weekend. They trickle in Sunday evening. If there are enough of us around and the weather is right, we’ll go outside and kick the soccer ball around a bit. The rents might call in the evening sometime. I might have laundry to hang up or fold. I won’t be tired enough Sunday night, just as I was too tired Friday night. It will have been a week that went by too fast (weeks start logically with Monday here thus ending with Sunday), but I’ll have a whole new week to look forward to. And that’s the way the days go by. I can indeed feel them flying like a hand out the window in the wind.
20.2.06 So here we are, I haven’t really been up to much, so it’s time for some more of Frank’s random thoughts. Talking to the old man a while back on the phone, I was telling him how I’d been writing what’s become my autobiography. Not because I think that I’m that special, but because I wanted to put all the stuff down on paper before I forget any more of it. I want to have something concrete so that the things that I go “Oh, yeah, I forgot all about that,” are there to read.
Next case, cause it seemed like a good idea at the time. This one is usually related to wine. It seemed like a good idea to drink 20 ounces of vodka in a 30 minute period of time… however, after another 30 minutes and the next 12 hours, that was obviously the wrong impression. So was mixing 3 beers and 3 tequilas that other time. We learn from our mistakes.
Cause it was the lesser of two evils. The old rock and a hard place. You can work half the time and play the other half, or you can not work and not have any money to play with. Actually, it’s more like a rule of thirds. Sleep doesn’t count as work or play, you need it to do both.
Just for the f of it, - Diet Coke. Well, hopefully something more worthy than diet Coke. Maybe some real coke, you know, none of that clear or lightweight stuff. Just the plain old fashion mixture from that classic formula. None of that Wegmans crap, no straws, mirrors or playing cards required. Just because why not, that’s why. To be or not to be, - just for the f of it.
Cause it was the best you could do with what you had. Hopefully you’re not saying this about the love of your life. Maybe your mother in law. In either case, whether in extreme honesty or not, it may indeed reflect more about you than them. But to be serious, life, as with most things in life, is a compromise. You don’t get something for nothing. I don’t care if you’re rich, have the love of your life or don’t.
I will relate this to racing for just one moment. In racing, there is what is known as the traction circle. Accelerating is towards the top of the page, decelerating is down, cornering left and right point left and right, just like your IQ was normal. No reverse polar notation here. Now you can have pure acceleration, straight out towards the top of the page, pure cornering is left or right (they call that lateral acceleration) and downwards is, yes, you’ve got it, pure deceleration. In between each direction is a ratio between them. Some circles are larger than others, the vehicle more capable. The point being that you can only have so much in one way. What you give up in cornering you keep in braking. It takes great skill to drive around the circle at the edge of it for any given track. You’re limited by your skill, the car and the conditions on the track. Still if you know me, I used to do the best I could with the old Breeze, at every location and it was more than enough to keep most praying to the god of their choice.
14.2.06 With recent events being what they are, my moving out and what not, I decided to write a little bit about my view on politics. I'm not going to talk about government. We all know what most of them aspire to be, but the comment I will make, is that most people only want to see things their way, or think that their way is the best way and there are just too many different kinds of life to do that. So I find most people to be no better than the politicians.
But to talk about my real topic, well, I found out a couple weeks beforehand that my rent would go up by 33% which would then take up close to half of my take home pay. I'd been asking about it since we found out about the renovation back in October. There were didn't knows and the response that it was to remain affordable to students. So with short notice, I was faced with the choice of having to try and afford high rent for a month while I looked for something else, or getting something else. Luckly, with the help of Siemens, I was able to come with what will be a solution that is the lesser of two evils. Still the timing has been poor and my landlord didn't seem too heart broken when I said I had to move out. So, does she already have people lined up and didn't mind putting me to the wind? I don't know for sure, so I can't say one way or another. But it got me to thinkin. Most people do what's right by them. I can't afford it, I'm moving out. I'll move into the new place, see what it's like, if I feel like staying long term and if not, I'll move. Of course we've all had significant others, some we broke up with some that broke up with us. We've all had our reasons. And I left Bausch after a great experience there, twice, but I was always honest and up front with my intentions as best I knew them and I tried to make sure they got as much from me as I did from them, that it was win-win for both sides. And I try not to hold things against people. We are who we are, no one is perfect. Some try to do things the right way, and regardless if they screw it up or not, at least their intentions and heart are in the right place. Some people don't give a rats behind, and some are out there trying to cause trouble. And I suppose there are those who just don't have a clue. But that's life. You take the dice an you roll. I coulda bailed a long time ago, but I liked where I was, so I kept rolling, prepared to do what I had to. It wasn't the end of devil 505 till it was time to punch out. So I am, in true Capristo style. It's going to be action packed, things are lined up, one on top of the next. Spring is right around the corner, but first it'll be time to do a little skiing. I love every single one of my host families, and I hope I've done it right by them.
Dec. 05
I think we all have something inside of us. Something that doesn’t change. We change with time, granted, we mold our experiences and are in turn remolded by them. I’ve seen some of my closest friends grow into something I hadn’t seen five years ago. They’re still the same people deep down, some are still the people I knew 10, 15 years ago, but older and wiser. And in that time, we’ve lived. We’ve done things no one, not even ourselves expected or thought we’d do. And that’s the interesting part about life. There are chances, there are chances to find new things we never knew existed.
To start with, well, regardless of who people are, we are all people. We all have dreams, things that make us happy and sad, things that we are interested in and so on. Those are the foundation blocks relationships can be built on. I don’t care about age, sex, color, or whatever else you want to list out. I don’t care if you never graduated from school or have a PhD. If you’ll step into my analogy for a minute, we are all rock climbers. Some are going to climb hills with a shallow grade, good hand holds, something that might be considered easy, something you could just about walk up. Others are going to climb the most impossible slopes. But we’re all climbers, and I will talk with anyone on an eye to eye level, as an equal or better until I have a reason not to, until I’m disappointed with garbage that comes out of some peoples mouths.
I’m in no hurry to get to the end of life, only in a hurry to make the most of it, to pack every second, every minute, every day and so on with as much as possible so that I can look back and say yeah, I didn’t waste a dime. Time goes by too fast. I may never get to see and do everything, but there’s no reason why I can’t fill it with as many quality moments as possible. Things can be planned out or spontaneous, just so long as things happen.
I’m a situational kinda guy. Everything depends on what’s going on. As an engineer, I’d say it depends on constraints, the type of load being applied, and how something is constructed. You can have the same load, same constraints, but a completely different construction is going to give you a completely different kind of answer. You can see this in my driving. When I’m out on a race course, it’s on, ride the limit. We are all crazy idiots willingly risking our own necks. If I’m alone on a back road, well, it’s not quite as close, you have to factor in the fact that someone could be around every corner not expecting you on the limit to come roaring through. When I’ve got people in the car with me, well, I have a responsibility to them, to get them to wherever we’re going safely. Now every now and then someone will say make some time, show us what you got and I’ll open it up, but not like I would when I’m alone. And there’s normal driving. With some people, you can’t drive like a rapped ape. When I’m in someone else’s car, it’s my job to bring it back without a scratch. If I’m in traffic, I owe it to everyone else to control my urges to a dull roar. You can’t screw around too much when there are mommies driving their kids around. You’ll find me doing the same stuff on the ski slopes, sprinting in a kayak or shell across a lake or leaning out over the side of a sailboat to try and get the most out of it. I’ve always been curious, they should have named me George, but it’s not too hard to see that I became an engineer because I wanted to know how to make my own toys, and make to go closer to their limits, to make them reset limits. That was the answer to that situation.
I love to laugh. Its usually related to my mind being in the gutter, but I like to play off things too. I don’t care if you’re having the worst day of my life, you gotta try and find humor in things, in yourself. If I do something dumb, that doesn’t really affect anyone else, I’m going to be like geez dumbass, what did you do that for. Focker. And I’ll answer my self in a retard voice, cause I’m stupid. I’ll think on Multiplicity or something funny and think “Sorry Steve, that legs gonna have to come off.” And then I’ll be like awe fuck it, and make it better, make it work. At the same time, I don’t like to let other people down. That hits a spot that ends me. I believe in family and friends. I believe in honor and if I screw up and damage any of that, then I don’t pass go, don’t collect $200 and go straight to hell.
My nonchalance (fancy word for not being picky) drives people nuts some times. What do you want to drink…? Well, if I can be happy with any of the choices it’s kinda eh, whatever, whatever you’re having. Some call that indecisiveness, but in cases like the one here, it’s the wrong application for the word. I also have this thing were I don’t want to cause too much trouble or make people go out of their way for me. I’m eternally grateful when they do, and hope I can show that one way or another.
I like to test and push myself. I like to say ok kid, lets see what you got. It’s a big motivator and I think that’s one of the reasons I used to procrastinate with school work, that and the aforementioned quality moments. I loved putting my 6x9 journal entries off until about the last night or two before they were do. I had it calculated out, about how fast I could do them, and I’d time it so that it would be an all-nighter, a do or die moment, no screw ups allowed night. I’d chew mint, crank the tunes and jam through the night. I’d get an 8.5/9 and laugh myself silly. People would look at me in amazement or get perturbed because they had done 4 or 5 a week the whole quarter, and spent more time on it and gotten the same grade, or perhaps a 9 but still couldn’t believe it. I like to be busy, I like to be doing stuff, I will find something to do.
I like to use my noodle. I like to think, evaluate, invent, create, build, but also philosophical. I’m going to look at history, its examples, its experience and try and apply that. I try to restrain from thinking with my penis, or at least a completely uninhibited one. Most of the time, when you let your penis lead you, someone slams the door on it and that’s no fun. So if I may consult others, just to double check my own thoughts, to make sure I’ve evaluated every perspective. No one comes up with everything, inspiration and genius can be sparked from the damedest places. And above all else, no one is right all the time.
I bow down and worship the under dog. I love it when the guy no one thought could do it, comes out of no where and dazzles everyone. I love it when people accomplish stuff that others said couldn’t be done. I think I identify it. If you don’t want me to do something, you better be able to rationalize it, cause telling me not to is just like waving the flag in front of the bull.
I try to be a gentleman. I think they are the last of a dying breed. Its tough these days, you got women who don’t want you to hold doors for them, or think you’re hitting on them if you do. You got your boys always trying to get you laid. Not that I mind the help, but people gotta understand, I have my own terms and standards and I’m going to stick by them. And there’s more to it than that, but yeah, I try to be, I’ve been known as and well, yeah.
And When I´m not out going crazy, I like to go camping, backpacking or just somewhere where I can lay out and look at the stars. I might bring a pen and paper to sketch with. Besides the usual rock, I like film scores. I like stuff with drive in it, that could just carry you into the wind and make you feel like you had a rocket strapped to your back. I like the stuff that makes you feel that no matter what, you can do it, you´re going to do it. And I like some of the softer stuff that carries you off.
There are a lot of sides to me. I have a lot of interests. Some people are surprised that I became an engineer, but that´s out of the context they knew me. I´m a jack of all trades kinda guy, and I´ve mastered a few along the way. I´ve been called a renaissance man for it. And somewhere in there, I make my mark. I think I´m the kinda guy people will always remember. The guy who was a good guy, worked hard, did a good job and lived as well. Someone who would not walk in front of you, not behind you, but be by your side, call it the way he saw it. Someone who wasn´t too scared to push himself or try new things, but smart enough to look at the whole picture, to consider others as well as himself.
So there it is. I hope my head isn´t too big, that I haven´t exaggerated too much. To those of you who don´t know me but managed to find the site, that´s me trying to look in mirror, but show you what´s rolling around behind the eyeballs as well.
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